

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Ah life one minute youre Eating a realy yummy sweet orange pepper, the next you notice theres a little bug inside.

My grandmother is 94, thats a lot.

other cultures facinate me.

Im sleepy.

I watched House of sand and fog tonight. It was depresinly delicious.

"no this is not my house"

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Ah life one minute youre a fasenite, the next youre the all powerful owner of two caricature booths! MWA HA HA ha ha ha.

This is My new location at the Hawian Market place, things a slow to start right now but hopfuly when the other stores open biussness will pick up.Fell free to stop on buy, ill be there evry day this week till five oclockish.Come see the bird show that makes the tiki room look like a good show

"thats that high-why-an burgur joint"

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Ah life one minute youre jeleous of kelly's moblie blog, the next BooYaaaaah!

"do you like apples?"

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Ah life one minute you're ambasabor to the supreme chancoler, the next you're barbique.

:: how jedi are you? ::

thanks robert

"I wil do what i must Obi-one"

Ah life one minute you're the Ted, the next Jon Constantine.

Keanu as Constantine, the movie looks cool,but in a million years of reading Hellblazer i would never imagine the Keanu voice.Not to mention he looks NOTHING like jon constantine.

"no, Have you?"

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Ah life one minute you've had your powers stripped from you by a man named Forge, the next while you and he are spirit parents to an new earth you give it all up to restore your powers and save the real earth.

MMMM X-men, I'm full speed into a comics renaissance !( I'm not sure if renaissance applies but you know what I mean, don't you?)I'm rereading my over a hundred issuses of the uncanny X-Men, leading up to the one hundred plus issuses I've missed over the last twelve years. Its Fun.

My son Jack is pretty cool.

Happy birthday to my wife Cheryl.

I like to draw.

Scary movie three made me laugh out loud three or four times, cant really ask for more than that.

Remember thundar?

A jaguar leased is only 725 a month, you should get one! yes you! Don't look behind you .

I want a web site for my art.

Rolling rock is my current beer of choice

Episode one came out five years ago.

I've had this computer for like over four years.
it still works.

You know who rocks?
the vines.

A gay customer of mine today was giving me the eye
I don't know what that means.

the Incredibles looks really ... neet-o

my friends still play star wars galaxies

I stabbed my thumb with a mechanical pencil at carls jay are tonight, cinda hurt a lot, I hope I don't get graphite poisoning.

I think ill go get a beer.

"Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Ah life one minute you're a genius the next you're Loyd Christmas

I started to take a online pop up IQ test. that was a mistake. the first few Questions were realy easy so I thought it was a fake test just to make you feel smart so they could sell you some thing after the test.but after like four Qestions I was stumped. then I looked on to the next few Questions and I had no Idia on those ones either. So I figure if I only made it Four Questions in to the test my IQ isnt verry impressive. Later that day I had a flash back to Takeing an IQ test just for fun and I had the same results. So yeah.

My last post I did in Word and then copy and pasted it , the font didnt translate, thats what the wierd symbles are all about.

"You cant triple stamp a double stamp!'

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Ah life one minute you’re 13, the next you’re niece is, Happy teens Ash

Hmmm, I was reading Tommy P’s blog and he Quoted himself at the end but bleeped the F-word. I’ve been thinking about Quitting that word all together .The thing is its not offensive to me but it really doesn’t mean any thing so its pretty ignorant to use it. Like what does “what the fuck” mean? Nothing or” Fuck that!” Doesn’t mean fuck that. If I’m pissed at the computer I could say “I cant get the computer to work” in an angry tone and that would express just as well as the statement “I cant get the fucking computer to work” ,what is a “fucking computer”, it nonsense . Any way I haven’t made the decision yet to Quit, I don’t know what the fuck I’m waiting for.

I’ve started drawing comic book stuff again it’s fun, and hard. To be a comic book artist you only have to know how to draw everything.

I should really figure out how to put art on this page that would be fun.

Mmmmm downward spiral, I haven’t listed to this in a long time, and I control you.

Have you listened to music though headphones lately? It’s like hearing it for the first time.

I watched Revolutions last night with Cheryl, It kicks ass If you didn’t like the matrix sequels Check yourself.

“I made this place, I make the threats down here, down here, I’m God”