

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Ahh life one mintute youre cramed in a pen so small you cant even turn around, the next youre danglin frome your foot and hey whats that guy soaked in blood dooin with that giant kni..

So I just fineshed fat food nation. ita a book about you geussed it fast food.mostly. Any way its about the supper corpatizing and mecanizing of the meat industry,at least thats the part of the book that struck me.After hearing the working conditions of slauter houses and just the sheer mass of cattle slautered.its the mass prodution of it that freaks me out.I whated Peta' Meet your meat last night and it had some fairly distubing immages but it unfortunately felt to much like propaganda.I was botherd by what i saw but i think maybe thouse images wherent standed every day, maybe they where.I dont think that the killing of animals for any use is nesasaily wrong or a sin but the cruelty invoved was ahh....realy foul and realy just hard to imagine how a human gets to the desensitized place where they can do that stuff,well i geuss it shouldednt be so shocking weve done it to other humans before so whats a few million animals.I dont know if ive decided to give up animal products all together but i think if your are going to eat meat you should see meet your meat and say Ok thats the reality and im still going to eat hte way i eat.Its the hidding of what goes on that bothers me,the keeping it aout of veiwso that i dont have to think about the reality aof where my food comes from.I have friend who are good at knowing and seeing that stuff and then just saying Yah thats it thats how it is ,I like steak,there just animals and the strong subjegate the weak.Im ok with that if a person is totaly aware or the meat to mouth prosses.Rambling.

this blog had too many big words, im not smart and thouse words just sound dumb.

"Thats some pig"


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