

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Ah life one minute youre care free and happy,the next youre worried you need a tripple bypass or need to have youre hand amputated.

So ive been experiencing numbness in my hanrds for about two weeks now and ive got a docters apointment at three thirty today to get checked out.THe pinky finger and ring fingers of my hands feel like when your in the last stages of you hand having fallen asleep.A little tingly a little numb,the pinky more than the ring finger.Alos the palm area just blow the pinky cind of as if my pinky extended all the way to my wrist.I havent been to the docter in scince, well ,never so im a little freaked out about he hole thing.My diet ids about 90% fast food.literaly. so thats not good.yah well yah.OK so ill let yah know how it goes latter tonight.

"you can't take it back, its already out there"


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