Ah life one minute you're dodging your child support and smacking your girlfriend because , you know she was looking at that guy at IN n OUT, the next you're anonymously commenting on blogs.
After I got back from buying a bulk package of tissues from Sams Club so I could finish crying my not as cool or tough as anonymous commenter's eyes out, I've composed myself enough to respond.This is my blog for all to read friends and nonfrieds alike. But i would appreciate semi-intelligent comments,of course that doesn't mean I'm gonna get em, it would just be nice to hear some thing like, "I cant believe you like those crap ass Lemony snicket books, I couldn't get through the first chapter of the first book it sucked so bad, you should read cowardly anonymous commenting for complete fucking idiots, its a mutch better read." signed,Your worst imaginary never met enemy, plus the link to my blog or e-mail so you can respond or better understand where I'm coming from. Instead of "I like different things than you like = I'm better than you" signed Pussy McscaredlyofpeopleIdontknowandhavenevermet.
"unfortunately none of use can control what the cakesniffers of the word wide internet do or say, the word "say" here means, type clever anonymous comments like" you're a poo poo head", and "your MOM likes slimeoney Licket". The worst part is this post is just fuel for the pathetic anonymous type. See how much attention one cleaver little remark has earned him/her.Oh well.
I'm almost finished with the eleventh snicket book, and I'm looking forward to the wait for the next book. I've read all eleven in about two months. Well I've got to run I've got a meeting of the "I mentioned that I like to read lemony snicket on my blog so I must be so obsessed with it that I cant distinguish fantasy from reeeeaaaalllityyyyyyy club". I'm a founding member.
I cant stop listening to Green Day American Idiot. Its trying to be one of the best albums I ever Heard.
P.S. the Lemony Snicket books are good.
"how's that workin out for you?, Being clever"