

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Ah life one minute your playing hero clicks with Brad ,two hours later your still playin.

Man, that game can be long.I still like it a lot though, its pretty great.

I've got some new roomies, their names are Brad and Mari, there cool,I like em.
oh and they have are cool little boy , Ben. Brad likes the same Geeky stuff I do, comics ,games, video games, and especially toys, so that's fun.

I was a witness at a wedding that was held at red rock canyon this last Tuesday,I think it was Tuesday, Joe did the maryin and it was great. I loved it.Pluss I got to hang out with Joe .

I saw the village Monday night?I was great, If anyone tells you other wise tell them to come to my house and I will Gladly kick them in the nuts.

And now a haiku,

Ice blue phone is lost

inside were the phone numbers

new phone seeks your call

Holly crap that sucks, it sounds like a dam personal ad, any way if you call me then ill have your number in my new phone, I hate how dependent I've become to my cell phone.

"Check out the big brain on Brad !, that's right the metric system, you're a smart motherfucker"

P.s spell check wanted to replace motherfucker with motorbike, that's funny.


At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh. gud job ahynstayn. fuk. shiit. fuk. godam. shiit. muthrfuk. yer brylyent. fuk...this iz hilerius shiat. yu fukrz ar so fukn brylyent...

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh life,

One minet yer in publik skul, the next thing ya no yu kant spel or reed.

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh life.

One minute your a fucking idiot who replies to blogs of people whose grammatical skills are questionable, but their heart is in the right place, the next minute your a jackass who thinks he can get away with insulting my friend! FUCK YOU!

At 1:12 AM, Blogger doug said...

Sweet sauce.


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