

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Ah life one minute youre an artist, the next youre a buissness man.

the other night I was looking at some drawlings i did about three years ago and I felt like I havent been in a place mentaly to create like that in a while.

Ever feel like you dont have two minutes Peace and when you do youre to tiered to enjoy it.

The spelling thing is realy frustrating me right now because I barly have enuf time to write this let alone use bloggers crappy spell check that makes me feel even dumber because it dosnt ever have any idea what i was trying to spell.

"Go get em tiger"


At 3:18 PM, Blogger tommy said...

Why do youu always sayy thet you cannt spell? Everytheng looks fine tou me.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same issues with my 'art'. Most the stuff I have done lately will never make my demo reel. I take comfort in what one of my drawing teachers said to me years ago. He said, "You will only like about one drawing for every one hundred you do." It is really like that. It is just that when you reach a level where your good enough is great compared to the general public the personal growth only incrementally happens. As for your spelling, type it in Word and paste it into the blogger box. Word at least will spell check as you go...3G

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Kenny said...

Ansel Adams said that the only difference between an artist and anyone else is that the artist only shows his best work

"Hi, I'm Tom" says that if you have time enough to change your blogskin, you also have time enough to blog


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