Ah life,One day youre drinkin ogange soda, hte next kelly brings home Sam Adams Octoberfest(Yea!)
Tonight was Emmas open house for her school,James H. Bilbray.Some things bothered me and I had a moment.First the bothersome stuff.They did this little thing about the many hats of James H. Bilbray.(Who by the way is alive and well, I dont think schools should be named after living persons,i dont know why)He was this he was that, he did this he didi the other,Basicly he was a polititian,so yeah well polititians....you know, yuck.Any way Im left to assume that this touching tribute is arranged by the principle right?Fair assumtion right? yeah, shes his daughter.Dispite this bile inducing cerimony i had a moment.Durring the fifteen minute slide show of every person on srtaff at the school,loredana was freeking out anr not being any thing close to still and i looked at my wife and two girls, and they where perfect. I had the best family in the hole joint. (sorry bout the mush but it was a moment)
"I love the way you swig"
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