

Monday, April 24, 2006

The other day I was talking with my Adam Ducrow about geting out to see V For Vendeta (to late) and that started us talking about going to the theater versus waiting for dvd. Ten years ago the Idea of waiting for the home release of a movie I just kind of wanted to see,let alone one I was excited about , didnt even cross my mind. Now movie after movie that I realy want to see comes out and I dont make the time. I'm not gonna use kids as an excuse either because I've got pleanty if sitters avialable, two options in house even. No, I think it just dosnt mean as mutch to me any more wether or not I see a movie on the big screen. It feels like it should mater but it dosnt. I think that feeling is just nastalgia for when it did mater. Lets use Star Wars as an example. I saw TPM in the theater nine times, AOTC TEN times! Last year ROTS, four times, I think. Thats a prety big diference. The mathematical equation is , when new Star Wars movie = 4 , then all other movies = 0 or .5 or something less than 1, got it?


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